Meditational Remedy

Meditational Remedy

"Jo Brahmande Soi Pinde" is the famous dictum of Indian philosophy. It means this entire universe is within us. It appears very strange to listen but yes it is true. The famous astronomer Keplar proves in 1606 AD that the orbit of planets to sun is elliptic rather than circulary. After 300years of this discovery the famous scientist Sommerfeld proves in 1906AD that the orbit of electrons of a nucleus is also elliptic rather than circulary. This very I want to say that all these nine stars of astrology dwells in our body too. Sun is as our Soul, Moon is as our Mind and rest of five planets are five senses of our body. Rahu and ketu are the extrovert and introvert nature of our mind, known as the Ascending and Descending nodes of the moon. Our Acharya ji discovered a new dimension of remedy of malefic stars and that is meditation of chakras of particular stars in a fix time.

Astro Calculus